GuidelinesStream or SharePoint? (uploading videos)

Stream or SharePoint? (uploading videos)

MS Stream is a video management and streaming service. It allows students and staff to securely upload, play, and share videos with others. The service can be used mainly for uploading various videos for teaching purposes and keeping records of lectures or training. However, the application is not suitable for uploading students’ output that is evaluated by instructors, because the author has continuous control over the video and can change or delete it at any time. In general, Stream is ideal for videos that supplement instruction and are intended for a wider audience.

SharePoint is a more general service for sharing files of all kinds, with no special focus on videos. The advantage is that it allows the use of labels for storing information, which are “tags”, that after being attached prevent videos from being modified or deleted in any way. Therefore, if, for example, a video must be submitted with a recorded action in order to complete a certain course, this is a reliable way to secure the file. SharePoint is hence recommended for submitting student videos to be evaluated by instructors. This includes submitting homework, continuous work, and output for final exams.

Whether you use MS Stream or SharePoint is thus a choice between a user-friendly environment on the one hand and control over files on the other. However, both offer ample storage for your videos.

Uploading videos to MS Stream

Uploading videos to SharePoint

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